About Us

About Us

Thank you for visiting Kim & Hyun(SeSeung LLC) website.

Founded in 2001, DaeOe law office has grown as an expert specialized in Medical malpractice lawsuits and
medical service legal area in Korea.
We changed the name of the company from DaeOe law office to SeSeung LLC 2010,
as changing our corporate.

core value
15 more years of specialized experience
Based in rich experience in medical field SeSeung LLC provides legal service in a medical area such as litigation(civil, criminal, administrative), medical business consulting(establishing Management Service Organization, structuring hospital governance system, Mergers & Acquisitions) and legal issue derived from healthcare policy by Ministry of Health and Welfare and National Congress.
Best Korean law firm specialized in medical field
Every attorney in SeSeung LLC is expert and specialist in medical field. SeSeung LLC consistently holds a prominent position in the medical field.
Development through customer satisfaction
SeSeung LLC has a vision to grow into a world-class law firm through customer satisfaction. So we do not satisfy with just simply dealing with legal needs, but strive to come up with and provide our clients with the best answer.